United States vs. Puerto Rico
THE CAMINETTI CUP is an annual golf tournament pitting
the United States against Puerto Rico.
Participants are required to have read The Green
and must pass a test to prove it.
The Cup was begun by hotel/golf resort general managers
Rich Cortese and Joel Paige
and is independent of Troon McAllister or the publishers.
The Eighth Annual Caminetti Cup of 2008
was won by Puerto Rico, 11-1/2 to 8-1/2.
That makes it 4-4 after eight tournaments.
Here is Patty Crucet's report:
"A bunch of guys came down, we played some golf
a little friendly betting money changed hands..."
- Eddie Caminetti, The Foursome
My sluggishness in reporting (yes, yes… I am partial) on the 8th Annual Caminetti Cup should be an indication of the results from the 2-day event, so I'll start with the positive. MVP of the weekend is Dan McDermott, “newbie” & Hotel Manager at El Conquistador, who won all of his matches!
Play commenced Saturday morning at Bahia Beach at, appropriately, Troon Golf (2-man best ball) with the 2nd round played at El Conquistador’s Arthur Hill Golf Course (alternating shot). Individual rounds were played on Sunday on the Arthur Hill Golf Course.
You could hear whispered (NOT!) grumblings throughout the group about pin placement on #8 on the final day, on which Dan “..made birdie on the goofy pin placement [see drawing attached].. as well as how he hit a 6 iron draw over the trees and into the green on hole 15 – both to setup eagle putts”. Pin placement is going to be a big topic at next year’s event (possibly at the PGA National Resort in Palm Beach , FL ).
Team U.S. held a tight one point lead after Saturday (5 ½ to 4 ½); but, alas, Team U.S. couldn’t lock it in losing 7 of the 10 Sunday matches -- final score: 11 1/2 to 8 1/2.
Well, regardless of the outcome… the event, as usual, was fun, challenging, and indeed memorable. As Uncle Richie puts it, “.. there is a bonding and camaraderie that until you play in a few “cups”, you sort of feel like a neophyte, but if you stay with the game of golf and the [Caminetti] Cup, you will have another family derived from this event”.
Captain Joel “Jo-lay” Paigea Captain Rich “Uncle Richie” Cortese
Chris “Rookie” Berry Peter Acosta
Brad “Andro” Buchanan Carlos Delaquray
Seth Henrich Dan McDermott
Mike “Ragu” Miraglia Nash Mawani
Nat Moore Miguel “Mike” Santin
Ed Nystrom Robbie “Deuce” Slavonia
Mark Odom Stan Soroka
Charles Petronella Saul Tanal
John “Chef” Sexton Larry Vitale
A special mention to Art “the Fireman” Farley, who had to leave the games suddenly due to an unexpected and heartbreaking family event. Our thoughts & prayers, Artie.
Team Puerto Rico (L-R):
Captain Rich, Pete, Carlos, Mike S, Saul, Nash, Larry, Robbie, Stan (missing: Dan)

Team United States (L-R):
Nat, Brad, Mike M, Captain Joel, John, Ed, Chris, Mark, Charles (missing: Seth)

Captains Rich Cortese & Joel Paige

Team Puerto Rico (L-R)
Saul, Dan, Captain Rich, Mike S, Carlos, Larry, Pete, Nash; Robbie (kneeling)

The 2008 Caminetti Cup players (L-R)
Standing: Charles, Chris, Ed, Mike M, Joel, Rich, Larry, Dan, Mike S, Carlos, Pete
Kneeling: Mark, Nat, Brad, Robbie, Saul, Nash
(missing: John, Seth, Stan)