Technology If you’re like most people, you’re probably in a whirlwind of confusion about the extraordinary pace of technology. You might even be afraid to buy a computer because you […]
Technology If you’re like most people, you’re probably in a whirlwind of confusion about the extraordinary pace of technology. You might even be afraid to buy a computer because you […]
Using Critics Do you have time to see every movie, read every book, listen to every music album and attend every play? That’s 250 movies, 53,000 books, 6,000 music albums
The Ugliest Words in the English Language I think the ugliest words in the English language are these: “Sometimes you just have to have a little faith.” Offhand, I can’t
The Ugliest Words in the English Language Read More »
God I don’t believe there is a more profound question than whether or not there is a God. Yet people insist on asking each other this enormously complex question in
Local News This is a simple one: Don’t watch local television news. Ever. Maybe the weather if you really must, but there are much better ways to get weather without
Medical Risk If you’re like most people, when you hear on the local news report that drinking faloopi juice triples your chances of contracting Schmeckheimer’s liver disease, it sounds like
Teach Your Children Well We tend to teach things to children in terms of absolutes. This is because we think they’re too dumb to grasp nuance. That’s why our teachings
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In a Restaurant, Part Two Are you the kind of person who doesn’t like giving money to street-beggars because they provide no service to you (other than disappearing when you
In a Restaurant, Part Two Read More »
In a Restaurant You’re in a restaurant with a dozen friends. Your waiter (sorry: your server, Trevor) just finished spending ten minutes taking down everybody’s order. When he’s supposedly all through,
Degrees of Freedom: Playing Games with Justice Many of you may be familiar with a game that has been sweeping the Left Coast for about two years called “Six Degrees
Degrees of Freedom: Playing Games with Justice Read More »